Business Address

Registered Agent Address vs. Business Address

How Using Our Business Address Works

Can I use a virtual address for my LLC?

Yes! Using a virtual address for your LLC is a great alternative to using your home address. It protects your privacy and allows you to keep a consistent address for your business, even if your business moves or expands into another state.

Can I use your business address for my mail?

If you hire us for Mail Scanning in one of the states where we offer it, you sure can! If you don’t have Mail Scanning, we’ll scan three pieces of your mail each year for free.

Can I use your business address for my LLC members and managers?

Yes. In some states, you’re required to list a physical address for each manager and member of your LLC on your formation documents. If you hire us, you can use our business address in these fields and protect the privacy of your managers and members.

Can I use my home address as my business address?

It depends. Some neighborhoods have HOA or zoning regulations that will prevent you from using your home address as your business address. If you don’t have to worry about that, then you can use your home address as your business address. However there are a few downsides to doing so. To start, you’ll need to list your home address on public documents, which exposes you to aggressive marketers. And secondly, if you ever move, you’ll have to pay to file paperwork to change your address with the state. For these reasons, many small business owners opt to get a business address.