How to Start an LLC in Oregon

All you need to start an Oregon LLC is a unique business name, an Oregon registered agent, and $100 to file Articles of Organization with the Oregon Secretary of State. Looking for a step-by-step guide to help you do all that? Look no further! We’ve gathered all the information you need to get your business going in the Beaver State.

Step 1: Name Your Oregon LLC

Deciding on a name for your LLC is the first step to forming your new Oregon business. There are some state rules to follow and some other naming considerations that could contribute to the success of your business.

What are Oregon’s business name requirements?

  • The Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) §63.04.9, says your LLC name must include the words “Limited Liability Company,” or an appropriate abbreviation of those words (LLC, L.L.C., Ltd. Company, etc.). This is referred to as an “entity identifier.”

Is the name unique in the state?

  • The LLC name you choose must be unique in Oregon. It must be different from any other business name currently registered in the state. Perform a name search in the Business Registry Database to see if the LLC name you want is available. If the name you want to use is the same as a dissolved or inactive business’s, you can take control of it.

Can you register the name as a trademark?

  • By registering a trademark of your LLC name, you can protect its uniqueness nationwide. When we form your LLC, you can add a trademark registration filing to your order. Our in-house attorneys perform a clearance search to help identify potential impediments to trademark registration. They will also offer recommendations if they find any obstacles.

Are others using the name online?

  • Now that you’ve decided on an original LLC name that meets Oregon’s naming requirements, see if it’s being used as a social media handle or as a domain name. Using the same business name across different media platforms can give your business legitimacy and increase your client base.

When you hire Registered Agents Inc to form your Oregon LLC, we can register your domain name, set up your business website, and more in minutes.

Step 2: Appoint an Oregon Registered Agent

LLCs are required to maintain an Oregon registered agent and registered office address on state record throughout the life of the business. The state has a few regulations surrounding the registered agent and the registered office address:

Registered agents:

  • can be an individual Oregon state resident over the age of 18 that has a physical Oregon address to use as the registered office.
  • can be a domestic or foreign entity active in the state whose business office address is identical to its Oregon registered office address.

Registered office address:

  • must be a physical street address in Oregon where legal notices can be served to the registered agent in person.
  • can be the same as your LLCs own place of business in Oregon.
  • PO boxes, commercial mail receiving agencies, mail forwarding or virtual office addresses are not acceptable.

Your registered agent needs to be available at their registered office in person to receive your legal mail during normal business hours.

Step 3: File Oregon Articles of Organization

Now that you have an LLC name picked out, and decided on an Oregon registered agent, it’s time to activate your LLC by filing the Articles of Organization. You’ll need $100 and the following information to complete the filing:

How long does it take for an LLC to be approved in Oregon?

The length of time it takes for Oregon to approve LLCs depends on how they are filed: online or by mail. Online filings with the Oregon Business Registry are usually approved within three business days. Mailed-in filings can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks. This includes the time it takes for the state to mail out copies of your approved LLC documents.

Step 4: Set Up Business Operations

Developing some regulations for day-to-day business operations will protect your LLC and everyone involved from legal disputes and misunderstandings. Consider the following next-steps to get your business off to a good start:

Create an operating agreement.
An operating agreement is the blueprint for managing your Oregon LLC. It clearly defines the duties and responsibilities of all members, how changes to the LLC can be made, and how profits and losses are distributed between members. Without this important agreement, resolving member or legal disputes could get hairy!

Get an EIN.
The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is your LLC’s unique ID number for paying taxes, hiring employees, or opening a bank account. It’s issued by the IRS and takes only 10 minutes to apply for online.

Manage your company’s money.
Keeping your LLC’s income separate from your individual income will help your LLC maintain its built-in liability protection of your assets. Opening a bank account for your LLC is a great way to keep your income separate from the company’s.

Obtain licenses and permits.
Depending on the nature of your business, you may need additional licenses or permits from the state, county, or city in which you operate. Check out Oregon’s Business Xpress License Directory site to see if your business will require further licensing.

Step 5: File BOI Report

The Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report is a required federal filing for most LLCs. The report requires information about the company itself, all owners who own at least 25% of the business, and anyone who has substantial control over the company.

All BOI Reports are submitted to FinCEN with specific deadlines according to the LLCs formation year. LLCs formed in 2024 have 90 days from registration to file. LLCs formed in 2025 or later will have just 30 days to file.

When you hire us to form your Oregon LLC, you can add this BOI Report filing to your order. Let us take care of this federal requirement so you can focus on getting your business off the ground.

Note: On December 26, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals paused the BOI reporting requirement, citing constitutional concerns. While it’s not mandatory for now, we’re still ready to assist you. Check back for more updates and future filing deadlines as they become available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is needed to start an LLC in Oregon?

To start an LLC in Oregon, you will need to choose a unique business name, appoint an Oregon registered agent, and file the Articles of Organization for the $100 filing fee. The Oregon Secretary of State Corporations Division will review and approve your LLC application in around 3 business days if filed online.

How much does it cost to start an LLC in Oregon?

The state filing fee to submit the Articles of Organization is $100, which gets you a 2-3 day processing time when filed online. Oregon does not offer any expedited processing options.

When is the Oregon Annual Report due?

The Oregon Annual Report is due by the LLC formation anniversary date each year. It can only be filed online and the fee is $100. Our Oregon registered agent service includes the annual report filing, clients pay only the state fee.

Do LLCs pay taxes in Oregon?

Oregon LLCs themselves do not pay taxes, only their members do. For more information on filing your Oregon income taxes, contact the OR Department of Revenue or explore the resources on their website.

How do I contact the Oregon Secretary of State?

If you have questions, or if you are mailing in your Articles of Organization, here’s how you can contact the Oregon Secretary of State’s office:

Phone: (503) 986-2200
Fax: (503) 378-4381

Physical & Mailing Address:
Corporations Division
255 Capitol St. NE, Suite 151
Salem, OR 97310-1327