North Dakota Registered Agent
What is a North Dakota registered agent?
A North Dakota registered agent accepts notices of legal action (aka: service of process) concerning your business, then forwards those notices directly to you. Registered agents prevent communication breakdowns between businesses and the legal system that could disrupt your ability to do business.
What a North Dakota Registered Agent Does for Your Business
North Dakota registered agents act as a middle-person between your business and the legal system. They will stay at their physical North Dakota address to receive legal notices on your behalf. When time-sensitive legal documents are received, your agent will forward them to you right away.
Appointing a registered agent allows you the freedom to leave the office to run your business or take a vacation. They also protect you from the awkwardness of being served lawsuit papers in front of clients or family. At Registered Agents Inc, we will also protect the privacy of your personal address on public state record.
North Dakota Registered Agent Requirements
Every North Dakota registered agent must fulfill the following requirements:
- Provide a physical address – All North Dakota registered agents must have a physical street address within the state (not a PO box) referred to as the “registered office address.” Someone over the age of 18 who resides in North Dakota must be available there to receive legal documents in person.
- Maintain normal business hours – Your North Dakota registered agent must be present at their registered office address during regular business hours, typically Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.
- Consent to serve – According to the North Dakota Century Code (10-01.1-11§6), failing to acquire your named registered agent’s consent may result in the involuntary dissolution of your entity. Proof of your agent’s consent is not required to form your business, but having it beforehand will prevent legal issues for your business moving forward.
Who can be a registered agent in North Dakota?
There are two types of registered agent in North Dakota: noncommercial and commercial.
- Noncommercial registered agents:
- Can be either an individual who resides in North Dakota, or an entity (LLC or corporation) authorized to do business in North Dakota. Entities must also be in good standing with the state and have a physical office address in North Dakota.
- Choosing a noncommercial registered agent means you will need to include a full physical address on your business formation documents for that agent.
- Commercial registered agents:
- To qualify as a commercial registered agent, the person or entity must have filed a Commercial Registered Agent Statement with the Secretary of State. The state provides a List of Commercial Registered Agents qualified to serve your business in North Dakota.
- Choosing a commercial registered agent means you do NOT need to provide their North Dakota address on your business formation documents, just their name will do. A commercial registered agent already has a verified North Dakota address on file with the state.
Can I use myself as a registered agent?
Yes, you can be your own registered agent in North Dakota as long as you’re over 18, reside in North Dakota, and can provide a physical North Dakota address as your registered office.
How Do I Find a Registered Agent in North Dakota?
To find a registered agent in North Dakota, you can:
- Ask a friend or family member: If you know someone who has a North Dakota physical address, see if they are interested in being your North Dakota registered agent. Make sure they meet the registered agent requirements and they know that their name and address will be on public record.
- Check out the Commercial Registered Agents list: The North Dakota Secretary of State provides an alphabetical list of commercial registered agents for hire. Call and interview the services that pique your interest, or…
- Look no further, Registered Agents Inc is in North Dakota: We’re a national service that staffs local North Dakota business experts to receive your legal mail in Fargo, the “Gateway to the West,” and answer all your business questions. We can also help your business achieve a trailblazing lead over the competition with a business domain and website.
How to Appoint a Registered Agent in North Dakota
Appointing a registered agent for your North Dakota agent is easy! When you gain the consent to serve of an individual or business entity, enter their name and complete North Dakota physical address on your business formation paperwork.
If you have chosen to hire a commercial registered agent, you only need to add their business name to your formation application (their physical address is already on state record).
How to Change My North Dakota Registered Agent
To change your North Dakota registered agent information, you will need to login to your business account with North Dakota FirstStop and file the “Commercial/Noncommercial Registered Agent/Office Statement of Change” form online. Don’t forget to notify your previous registered agent of this change and follow their service cancellation procedures.
How much does it cost to change registered agent in North Dakota?
It will only cost you $10 to file the Statement of Change form online.
Why Should I Hire Registered Agents Inc?
You should hire Registered Agents Inc because we can offer you more than a North Dakota address. We offer a variety of services that support your entire business, for the life of your business. For just $200 a year, our Registered Agent service includes:
Same-day document uploads
Our local North Dakota team will have your legal mail uploaded to your account as it is received. It will never be sent out of our office for processing.
Annual report filing
Most North Dakota entities are required to file an Annual Report. Our Registered Agent service includes this filing (you just pay the state fee) and annual report deadline reminders.
Secure online account
All our clients have 24/7 access to their own secure online account where your state and legal mail is uploaded. Use it to add new services, like domain registration and business website hosting, and to locate free state-specific filing resources.
Instant notifications
We email you right away when your mail is uploaded to your private online account. You will never have to guess when or if you’ve received important mail.
Expert assistance
Our local customer support team assists clients with North Dakota business filings every day. They work closely with the Secretary of State’s office to stay updated on new business regulations to provide you the most accurate information possible.
Want to become a commercial registered agent? Check out our Wholesale Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a registered agent cost in North Dakota?
North Dakota registered agent costs can range from free to $500 per year. It all depends on who you hire and what extras they are offering with their registered agent service. At Registered Agents Inc, our Registered Agent Service is just $200 per year and includes lots of extras, like your annual report filing (pay only the state fee).
How much does it cost to set up an LLC in North Dakota?
The state fee for submitting the Articles of Organization for your North Dakota LLC is $135. This is filed online by creating your North Dakota FirstStop account. For a complete walk-through of your state account, you can call the ND Business Services office at (701)328-2900.
How much does it cost to set up a Foreign LLC in North Dakota?
The state fee for submitting the LLC Certificate of Authority application is $135. This needs to be filed online through North Dakota’s FirstStop business services site.
Do I need to live in North Dakota to register my business?
No, you do not need to live in North Dakota to register your business there. However, if you do not reside in North Dakota, you will need to find a registered agent that does or hire a service that has a physical address in the state.
How can I contact the North Dakota Secretary of State?
All the North Dakota Secretary of State contact information is below:
- Phone: (701)328-4284
- Fax: (701)328-2992
- Email: [email protected]
- Physical & Mailing Address:
600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 108, 1st Floor
Bismarck ND 58505-0500