Nevada Registered Agent
What is a Nevada registered agent?
In Nevada, a registered agent is responsible for receiving legal documents for your business and forwarding them to you promptly. They must maintain a physical address in Nevada where these documents can be received in person.
What a Nevada Registered Agent Does for Your Business
Nevada registered agents ensure reliable communication between the legal system and business owners. They do this by being available in person to accept service of process (lawsuit paperwork) at their Nevada office on behalf of their clients. Then, they immediately forward this paperwork to the corresponding client.
This service allows business owners the freedom to run errands without the risk of missing a legal document delivery.
What are the options for registered agent representation in Nevada?
The Nevada Secretary of State has defined three options for registered agent representation:
- Commercial registered agent: This is most commonly a business that offers registered agent service professionally for a fee. An individual can also be a commercial registered agent if they represent 10 or more businesses and have officially registered with the state by filing a Commercial Registered Agent Registration form.
- Noncommercial registered agent: This is usually an individual, like a friend, family member, business partner, or sometimes the business owner themselves. This individual (or entity) does not represent more than 10 businesses as the registered agent, and is not required to officially register with the state as a registered agent.
- Title of Office or Other Position with Entity: If your business has a physical Nevada address, then it can be its own registered agent. This is done on your entity formation application by listing a title or office position within your company as the registered agent instead of someone’s name (ex: President, Office Manager, Owner, etc.).
When you appoint your registered agent on your business formation paperwork, you will need to check the box of one of these options before filling out the registered agent information.
Requirements of a Nevada Registered Agent
All Nevada registered agents have a few state requirements:
- Nevada physical address – All Nevada registered agents must have a physical street address within the state. PO boxes and virtual office addresses are not permitted. They must also have someone over the age of 18 available there to hand receive legal documents as they arrive.
- Keep normal business hours – Your Nevada registered agent must be available at their state listed address during regular business hours, just like the court system is: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.
- Signed consent to serve – A Nevada registered agent must consent to serve your business in this manner. If filing your business formation paperwork by mail, your registered agent must provide their signature directly on the document, or by providing a separate signed Registered Agent Acceptance form. If filing online, your registered agent can use a digital signature.
Who can be a registered agent in Nevada?
Any individual over the age of 18 or entity that can provide a physical Nevada address can serve as a Nevada registered agent. Individuals do not have to be residents of Nevada; they just need to be available at a physical address in Nevada to receive your legal mail.
Can I be my own registered agent?
Yes, you can serve as your own registered agent in Nevada as long as you can provide a physical Nevada address on your business formation paperwork. You’ll need to be regularly available at this address to accept service of process.
Easy Ways to Find a Nevada Registered Agent
Here are some easy ways to find a Nevada registered agent for your business:
- Ask a friend or family member: If you know someone who has a Nevada physical address, see if they are interested in being your Nevada registered agent. Make sure they know the Nevada registered agent requirements and that their name and address will be on public record.
- Nevada Registered Agent Listing site: The Nevada Secretary of State provides an alphabetical list of Nevada registered agents currently serving businesses there.
- Look no further, Registered Agents Inc is here for you: We’re a national service that staffs local Nevada business experts to receive your legal mail and answer your business questions. We can also help your business gain a cutting-edge advantage over the competition with a business domain and website.
How to Appoint a Registered Agent in Nevada
To appoint a Nevada registered agent, fill in the appropriate areas on your entity formation applications:
- Nevada LLCs – On the NV LLC Articles of Organization, complete section 4 and have your Nevada registered agent sign and date for consent to serve in section 4a.
- Nevada Corporations – On the NV Articles of Incorporation, complete section 2 and have your Nevada registered agent sign and date for consent to serve in section 2a.
For all entity types, make sure only one box for registered agent type has been marked: Commercial, Noncommercial, or “Office or Position with Entity.”
If you are completing your formation applications online, your registered agent can add their digital signature. They can also email you a signed Registered Agent Acceptance form .pdf to upload and attach to your online application.
How to Change My Nevada Registered Agent
To change from one Nevada registered agent to another, you will need to complete the Statement of Change of Registered Agent by Represented Entity form. You can submit this form to the state by mail, fax, email or in person with the $60 filing fee.
How much does it cost to change registered agent in Nevada?
A Nevada Statement of Change of Registered Agent form will cost $60 to file. It can be paid by credit card, check, money order or cash (for in person transactions only, do not mail the state cash). The state encourages all customers to submit a Customer Order Form with all transactions to ensure correct processing.
What Registered Agents Inc Can Do for Your Business
At Registered Agents Inc, we believe a registered agent service should offer more than just an address. That’s why we’ve developed services that support your entire business, for the life of your business. For just $200 a year, our Registered Agent service includes:
Same-day document uploads
Our local Nevada team will have your legal mail uploaded to your account as it is received. It will never be sent out of our office for processing.
Annual report filing
All Nevada entities are required to file an Annual List and State Business License Application, aka your annual report. Our Registered Agent service includes this filing for no additional charge. All you pay is the state fee.
Secure online account
All our clients have 24/7 access to their own secure online account where your state and legal mail is uploaded. Use this account to manage your services, view documents, and access free state-specific filing resources.
Instant notifications
We email you right away when your mail is uploaded to your private online account. You will never have to guess when or if you’ve received important mail.
Expert assistance
Our Nevada experts work closely with the Secretary of State’s office to stay updated on business regulations so we can provide you with the most accurate information. When you have questions about your business, we’re just a call or email away.
Local offices nationwide
Registered Agents Inc has offices in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC. So when your Nevada business is ready to expand into California or Arizona, we’ll be there to help you.
Interested in becoming a commercial registered agent? Check out our Wholesale Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a registered agent cost in Nevada?
The cost for registered agent service in Nevada can be anywhere from $50 to more than $600 per year (depending on what services are included). At Registered Agents Inc, our professional Registered Agent service is just $200 per year and includes many extras to support your business.
How much does it cost to set up an LLC in Nevada?
Setting up your Nevada LLC costs $425. This fee includes the $75 Articles of Organization, $150 for the initial list (initial report), and $200 for the state business license.
How much does it cost to set up a Foreign LLC in Nevada?
To register your foreign LLC in Nevada, you’ll need to submit the Application for Registration of a Foreign LLC and pay $425 in registration fees.
Do I need to live in Nevada to register my business?
No, you do not need to live in Nevada to register your business there. However, you will need a Nevada registered agent with a Nevada physical address to report on your business registration documents.
How can I contact the Nevada Secretary of State?
You can contact the Nevada Secretary of State in the following ways:
- Phone: (775)684-5708
- Fax: (775)684-5724
- Email:
- Physical & Mailing Address:
202 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701