How to Start an LLC in Kansas

Starting an LLC in Kansas means choosing a business name, designating a resident agent, and filing Articles of Organization. After your company’s registered with the Kansas Secretary of State, you’ll need to take a couple more steps to get everything in order.

Step 1: Name Your Kansas LLC

Naming your Kansas LLC comes early in the business formation process. You’ll need a name before you file your Articles of Organization. Consider the following when choosing a name for your LLC in Kansas:

What are Kansas’s business name requirements?

How do I know if my LLC name is unique in the state?

  • To register your LLC, it needs a name that’s unique among registered Kansas businesses. Check it’s availability to find out whether it’s in use.

Are others using the name online?

  • Once you’ve ensured the name is available and meets Kansas’s naming requirements, see whether it’s in use as a domain name or social media handle. Creating a cohesive business presence means using the same or similar names across platforms.

Can you register the name as a trademark?

  • If you’re thinking about trademarking your business name someday, you’ll want to confirm its availability right at the start. When we form your LLC, you can also hire us to register a trademark at the federal level. Our attorney-led service includes a clearance search and recommendations if we find impediments to registration.

Step 2: Choose a Kansas Resident Agent

LLCs are required to appoint and maintain a Kansas resident agent to accept legal mail on the business’s behalf. The agent can be:

  • the LLC itself
  • an individual Kansas resident
  • a business authorized to conduct business in Kansas

Regardless of who the agent is, they must have a physical Kansas address—known as the registered office—where they’re regularly available during business hours to accept service of process.

What’s the difference between a resident agent and registered agent?

There is no difference between resident and registered agents. They both exist as an intermediary between businesses and legal action. They are different in name only.

Step 3: File Kansas Articles of Organization

Filing Articles of Organization for your Kansas LLC is what registers your business with the state. You can file online for $160 or by mail for $165. To expedite the process, gather the following required information before preparing to file:

How long does it take for an LLC to be approved in Kansas?

Your Kansas LLC formation documents are processed immediately if filed online. It can take 3-5 days for the filing to process if submitted by mail.

Step 4: Set Up Business Operations

Now that your Kansas LLC is registered, there are a few more actions to take to keep your business running smoothly.

Create an operating agreement.
An operating agreement lays the groundwork for your Kansas LLC’s business operations. It establishes processes and rules for things like adding members, dividing ownership, and management structure. Without an operating agreement, your LLC will default to any relevant rules set forth in Kansas statute, and solving problems will be a clunkier ride.

Get an EIN.
An EIN acts like your LLC’s social security number. You’ll likely need one to set up a business bank account and if you hire employees.

Manage your company’s money.
To help maintain your Kansas LLC’s limited liability, you need to keep your business and personal funds separate. Establishing a business bank account is one of the most important steps in that process.

Obtain licenses and permits.
Depending on your exact location and industry, your Kansas LLC may need to apply for permits and/or licenses in order to legally operate. Consult your city/county website(s) and explore your industry’s licensing requirements to determine what action to take.

Step 5: File BOI Report

Most LLCs are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report following business registration. The report asks for information about the company itself, as well as owners who have substantial control over the company and/or own at least 25% of the business.

This federal filing is submitted to FinCEN and went into place in 2024. LLCs formed in 2024 have 90 days from registration to file their BOI Report. If you form your LLC in 2025 or later, you’ll have just 30 days to file.

Add on BOI Report filing when you hire us to form your Kansas LLC.

Note: On December 26, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals paused the BOI reporting requirement, citing constitutional concerns. While it’s not mandatory for now, we’re still ready to assist you. Check back for more updates and future filing deadlines as they become available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is needed to start an LLC in Kansas?

The filing that officially forms your LLC in Kansas is the Articles of Organization. To submit it, you’ll need to select a name for your LLC and designate a resident agent with a registered office in Kansas. You’ll also need to pay the filing fee of $160 (online) or $165 (mail).

How much does it cost to start an LLC in Kansas?

It costs $160 to file your Kansas LLC Articles of Organization online, or $165 to file by mail.

Do LLCs pay taxes in Kansas?

LLCs in Kansas are taxed as pass-through entities by default. This means profits pass to members, who claim them on their personal taxes. You should be mindful of any self-employment, city and county, or business-specific taxes that apply to your LLC.

When is the Kansas Information Report due?

Kansas LLCs are required to submit an Information Report (previously called Annual Report) every two years to keep the state up-to-date about your business. If you form your LLC in an even-numbered year, your report will always be due in an even year. Same for odd-year formations.

The report costs $100 if filed online and $110 if filed by mail.

When you hire us to be your registered agent, we’ll take care of this filing for you at no extra cost (you pay only the state fee).

How do I contact the Kansas Secretary of State?

If you have questions about state filings or business in general, here’s how you can contact the Kansas Secretary of State:

Phone: 785-296-4564
Email: [email protected]

Physical & Mailing address:
Memorial Hall, 1st Floor
120 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66612-1594