Iowa Registered Agent

What is an Iowa registered agent?

An Iowa registered agent is an individual or entity authorized to accept all service of process, demands, or notices required or permitted by law on behalf of the business they represent. Iowa law requires most businesses to maintain a registered agent, including all limited liability companies, protected series LLCs, and corporations.

What Is an Iowa Registered Agent?

In Iowa and elsewhere, a registered agent is someone designated by a business to accept service of process on their behalf. An Iowa registered agent also receives official documents from the state. These can include reminders to file your biennial report, notices that your business is required to file Beneficial Ownership Information, and other critical items you don’t want to miss.

What is service of process?

“Service of process” describes the official way a court must alert you to pending action. While this could mean you’re receiving a legal notice related to some kind of administrative or regulatory issue, the more common reason you have been served is to notify you of pending legal action against you, aka a lawsuit. Missing service of process could cost you time and money in fighting default judgments issued in your absence.

Does Iowa Require a Registered Agent?

Yes. Title XII contains all state statutes related to business entities including corporations, LLCs, cooperative associations, limited partnerships, and nonprofits. The following sections detail requirements for specific business types:

Section 486A.1211limited liability partnerships
Section 489.14203protected series limited liability company
Section 489.115limited liability companies
Section 490.501domestic corporations
Section 499.72cooperative associations
Section 504.501nonprofit corporations
Section 504.1507foreign, or out-of-state, corporations

What is a protected series LLC?

Called a “protected series LLC” in Iowa, a series LLC is a way to organize a business into an umbrella organization containing multiple separate organizations.

A commercial enterprise running multiple lines of business that wishes to insulate each of those business lines from each other might choose a “series LLC.” Each LLC in the series maintains its own assets and incurs its own risks, limiting its liability in the event that another LLC in the series encounters financial setbacks.

It’s important to note that not every state permits the formation of series LLCs, and some may not recognize series LLCs formed in other states, so choosing this business type may limit your options to expand beyond Iowa. Currently, the following states permit some variation of series LLCs: Delaware, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oklahoma, Illinois, Nevada, Tennessee, Utah, Texas, Montana, and Indiana.

Does each company in my Iowa protected series LLC need its own registered agent?

No. The Code of Iowa says that you only need one registered agent for a protected series LLC. That registered agent represents each company in the series.

For example, let’s say you own a series LLC to manage each of your vacation rentals as separate LLCs. 123 Main Street is an LLC, 980 Beach Avenue is an LLC, and so forth. They’re organized as a protected series under Best Vacation Rentals LLC. The registered agent for Best Vacation Rentals LLC is also the registered agent for 123 Main Street and 980 Beach Avenue, and any other properties organized under the Best Vacation Rentals LLC umbrella.

How Do I Designate a Registered Agent in Iowa?

You’ll designate a registered agent when you file your initial business formation paperwork, so the process looks different depending on your business type. A limited partnership will state the agent’s name, street address, and mailing address in their certificate of limited partnership. An Iowa LLC writes the same information in their certificate of organization. Corporations file articles of incorporation, which must name the street and mailing address of its initial registered office and the name of their registered agent at that office.

How do I change my registered agent in Iowa?

Once you hire a new registered agent, filing a statement of change to the Secretary of State is the most effective way to change your Iowa registered agent.

Alternatively, you can file the above information as part of your biennial report between January 1 and April 1. Limited liability companies, including protected series LLCs, file in odd-numbered years and corporations, including nonprofits and cooperative associations, file in even-numbered years. A benefit corporation’s annual benefit report is separate from their biennial report and does not support a change of agent.

Who Can Be an Iowa Registered Agent?

A registered agent in Iowa can be either an individual or another business.

Individuals must reside in the state of Iowa and have a business office identical to the registered office, which must be a physical location and not just a P.O. box.

Other businesses, such as commercial registered agent services, can be domestic or out-of-state, as long as they’re authorized to transact business in Iowa. Their business office must also be identical to the registered office.

Note there may be limitations on which businesses can serve as your registered agent depending on your business type. For example, a cooperative association can only choose a domestic corporation or not-for-profit corporation as a registered agent—not a limited liability company, which is an option available to nonprofit corporations.

Finally, there are some provisions in the Iowa Code under which the Secretary of State acts as an agent for service of process.

Can I be my own registered agent in Iowa?

Yes, you can be your own registered agent in Iowa—as long as you meet the requirements to do so. First, you must live in Iowa, and second, your business office must be the same as your registered office.

But, being your own registered agent can be tougher than it sounds. A registered agent’s primary purpose is to receive service of process and crucial legal notices, so they’re expected to be available at the physical location of their registered office during all standard business hours. That’s Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., curtailing your flexibility to schedule anything off site. If you work out of your own residence, you’ll have to contend with the possibility of process servers showing up at your home. If you’re on site at your registered office—say, your place of business—there’s a possibility a process server may appear in front of customers and employees, which can be embarrassing.

Additionally, the name and registered office address of a registered agent is available to the public via Iowa’s Business Entity search, potentially compromising your privacy.

How Can Registered Agents Inc Help?

Registered Agents Inc is setting The Standard for what a registered agent service should be. We pride ourselves on our best-in-business practices:

Superior service
Our customer service team members are local professionals and experts who go the extra mile for our clients. We’re always just a phone call or an email away, and you’ll always get an actual person with in-depth knowledge of Iowa regulations to help you solve your business problems.

Real-time updates
We have local offices in every state, so our services can grow with you. Your client account gives you access to our library of state-specific business forms and filings, so you can prepare for expansion or relocation more effectively.

Secure online account 
Manage your business any time from anywhere you have internet access. Your secure client account holds all your notifications, reminders, and scanned document uploads for your convenience.

Real-time uploads 
We scan your documents from the local registered office where we receive them, not from a central scanning hub that might delay arrival. You’ll get an email notification as soon as new documents land in your account so you’ll always have the latest information about the state of your business.

Statutory compliance
Never miss another biennial report deadline. Hire us as your Iowa registered agent and we’ll file this critical document for you—all you’ll pay is the state’s associated fee.

If you want to offer registered agent services to your clients, check out our Wholesale Program for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the Iowa Secretary of State? 

You can send an email to [email protected], or call their business services staff at 515-281-5204. You can also visit their offices in person:

Secretary of State
First Floor, Lucas Building
321 E. 12th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319

What is considered doing business in Iowa? 

According to the Secretary of State, the Iowa Code does not define what constitutes transacting business—everything is case-by-case. Your best bet is to work with your own legal counsel to determine whether your activities constitute doing business in Iowa.

How do I find a local registered agent? 

You can use the Iowa Secretary of State’s Business Entities Search to find active registered agents operating in Iowa. Enter “registered agent” as your search term and select “Search.”

If you’re looking for the registered agent who represents a specific company, instead enter the company’s name as your search term. Find the company in the list of search results and select its name to bring up the name and address of its agent.