Trademark Registration

TM vs. R

Your business needs trademarks so that important elements of your brand have legal protections. If another company starts using a logo that looks like yours, for example, having proof that your trademark existed first will provide a legal advantage. Proof of trademark ownership can take many forms, and trademark registration is a sound piece of evidence.

But proof of ownership is just one reason to seek trademark registration. While unregistered and state trademarks have some protections, federal trademark registration through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) imparts additional benefits, including:

blue document with a gold badge
map of the US with a location pin in the middle
Blue desktop computer with three gold lines on the screen.

How Our Trademark Service Works

Add Trademark Registration when you hire us to form your business or act as your registered agent. After you’re signed up, we’ll request the information we need to begin working on your application. Then, we’ll work with you to sort out any questions before sending your application off to the USPTO. Here’s the breakdown:

How long does it take to get a trademark?

Federal trademark registration timelines vary. It currently takes an average of 14 months for trademarks to reach registration.

How much does it cost to own a trademark?

Our trademark service costs a flat $599. This includes all related USPTO fees.

How do I trademark a name and logo?

To trademark a business name and a logo—and receive the most robust protections—you’ll likely need to submit two separate trademark applications. While you can submit a logo and name in the same trademark application, the mark’s protections will ultimately be less broad. This is because, if submitted on its own, your business name will be protected in any format or design. But if submitted as part of your logo, your name will only be protected in conjunction with that exact logo design.

Do I need an LLC and a trademark?

Having an LLC and a registered trademark can help provide your business with a consistent branding image. This is helpful for consumers as they learn about you, your offerings, and your mission.

What is a trademark office action?

A trademark office action is a notice issued by an examining attorney at the USPTO. The action informs you that something is amiss with your trademark application. This could be a small thing, such as a required field that was incorrectly filled out. Or this could be a larger problem, such as another party already operating with a trademark similar to yours. If an office action is issued, the trademark application cannot move forward until it is resolved.