How to Start an LLC in Alaska

To form your Alaska LLC, you’ll submit Articles of Organization paperwork to the state. Before filing, decide on a few essentials like your business name, registered agent, and NAICS code. Then, once your Articles are submitted, you’ll get an Alaska business licence and file an initial report. Follow the steps below to start your LLC in Alaska.

Step 1: Name Your Alaska LLC

Naming your Alaska LLC is one of the first steps to take when making your business official. You’ll need to choose a name before submitting the Articles of Organization that register your LLC in Alaska. To select a name, first check the name’s availability and ensure it meets Alaska’s LLC naming requirements.

Your company’s name must:

Your company’s name cannot:

Not quite ready to form your LLC but want to secure your business name? You can reserve it for $25, for up to 120 days.

Once you’ve decided on an available business name, see if your desired domain name and social media handles are available. Creating a cohesive business presence and online branding makes it easier for clients to find you online, solidifying your company’s professional image.

Step 3: File Alaska Articles of Organization

Filing your Articles of Organization is what officially forms your LLC in Alaska. You’ll submit the filing to the Alaska Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing, Corporations Section. It can be filed by mail or online. To ensure no information is lost or time is wasted, Alaska makes it clear that all necessary information should be gathered before you begin filling out your Articles.

The information included in your Articles will become part of the public record. To keep more of your information private, hire a registered agent service like us. If you file online, you’ll need to provide a little extra information, indicated below.

Step 5: Submit Alaska Initial Report

Alaska LLCs need to submit an Initial Report within 6 months of formation. In the report, you’ll include information about your LLC’s members, such as name, address, and ownership percentage. The report is free to file and can be submitted online or by mail. When you hire us, we file your report for you at no extra cost.

Step 6: Set Up Business Operations

Once your Alaska LLC is formed, you’ll need to take some steps to get your business up and running and to reach your customers.

Create an operating agreement.
Though Alaska statutes do not require your LLC to have an operating agreement, you should absolutely put one in place. Your operating explains how your LLC will be run both day-to-day and long term. It’s in your operating agreement that you’ll set forth information such as how disputes between members will be handled, how ownership percentage is divided, and how members will join or depart the LLC.

Get an EIN.
An EIN is a federal identification number for your business. Applied for through the IRS, EINs are free to acquire. You’ll likely need one to open a business bank account and if you hire employees.

Manage your company’s money.
Your Alaska LLC needs money to operate. When members join, they’ll typically fund the LLC with an amount equivalent to their ownership percentage. For example, if the LLC needs initial funds of $10,000, and you have 50% ownership, you’ll supply $5,000 upfront. Your operating agreement should go over funding and ownership so that there’s no question about what’s what.

Step 7: File BOI Report

The Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report is a federal filing that most LLCs must comply with. Its purpose is to make it easier to find out who owns/controls a business, with the intent of limiting bad actors. If your Alaska LLC is formed in 2024, you’ll have 90 days from registration to file your BOI Report. If you form in 2025 and beyond, you’ll have 30 days post-registration to file.

When you hire us to form your LLC in Alaska, add BOI Filing.

Note: On December 26, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals paused the BOI reporting requirement, citing constitutional concerns. While it’s not mandatory for now, we’re still ready to assist you. Check back for more updates and future filing deadlines as they become available.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to form an LLC in Alaska?

It can take the state of Alaska more than three weeks to process your LLC Articles of Organization if you file by mail. Online filings are processed immediately.

How much does an LLC cost in Alaska?

It costs $250 to file your Alaska Articles of Organization.

How do I get an Alaska entity number?

You’ll receive your Alaska entity number once your LLC is registered with the state.

What are the benefits of an LLC in Alaska?

A main benefit of starting an LLC in Alaska is that the state has no personal income tax. Since LLCs are taxed as pass-through entities by default (meaning members claim LLC profits on their personal tax returns), LLCs in Alaska may face a lower tax burden than LLCs registered elsewhere.

How much is the annual report fee in Alaska?

In Alaska, LLCs need to file biennial reports by January 2 every other year. Report submission can begin on October 2, and late fees kick in for reports that arrive after February 1. The Alaska Biennial Report costs $100 to file, with a late fee of $37.50 as applicable.

Do LLCs pay taxes in Alaska?

By default, LLCs in Alaska are taxed as pass-through entities. This means profits are claimed by members on their personal tax returns. This is good news for those starting Alaska LLCs, as the state doesn’t have a personal income tax. Of course, LLCs in Alaska are still subject to federal tax and for collecting any local sales tax as needed.